08 Jun Unlocking Global Talent: Exploring the Hiring of Foreigners in Colombia
In recent years, Colombia has experienced exponential growth in the arrival of foreigners to live in the country. For this reason, the hiring of foreigners by companies has become an issue of vital importance. Accordingly, the government has established certain requirements that companies must comply with to hire foreigners and to affiliate them with the social security system.
The hiring of foreigners in Colombia entails procedures and guidelines that companies must follow to ensure compliance with legal and administrative obligations. These regulations aim to safeguard the rights of both employers and foreign employees, promoting transparency, fairness, and equal opportunities in the labor market.
To begin with, companies must ensure that the foreigner has a visa that allows them to work in Colombia or has a special permit. The latter is exclusive for Venezuelan migrants, who can count on the Temporary Protection Permit (PPT), which allows them to work in Colombia until May 31, 2031.
Once the company has guaranteed that the foreigner meets the requirements to work in Colombia and the person is hired, certain obligations arise for the company, such as registering the employee in the Foreigner Registration Information System (SIRE) and in the Single Registry of Foreign Employees in Colombia (RUTEC), which belong to Migration Colombia and the Ministry of Labor, respectively, in addition to all those labor obligations that are also enforceable in the case of hiring Colombian nationals. Furthermore, when the foreigner is dismissed from the company, the respective report must also be made in the systems.
It is worth noting that hiring foreigners can bring valuable benefits to companies operating in Colombia. Foreign employees often bring diverse skills, experiences, and perspectives that can enrich the workforce and contribute to innovation and competitiveness. In addition, by embracing a diverse and inclusive workforce, businesses can tap into a broader talent pool and foster a vibrant and dynamic work environment.
However, companies need to approach hiring foreigners with a thorough understanding of the legal requirements and procedures involved. Working closely with immigration and labor law experts can help companies navigate the complexities of the process, ensuring compliance and mitigating potential risks.
The immigration legislation in Colombia is constantly improving, and the government has made great efforts to regularize the immigration status of millions of foreigners in the country searching the job opportunities.
By embracing the opportunities offered by a diverse workforce, Colombia can strengthen its position in the global economy and create a vibrant and inclusive society that celebrates and harnesses the potential of all its residents, regardless of their country of origin.
Niella Sabatino, CLO
June 8, 2023